How to complete an ATR form


An ATR or A.TR (Admission Temporaire Roulette) is a certificate for the movement of industrial products entitled to preferential duty rates, usually zero, for export to Turkey under the terms of the Customs Union between the EU and Turkey. The purpose of an ATR Movement Certificate is to declare that the goods to be exported from the EU to Turkey (or imported to the EU from Turkey) are either manufactured in, or, irrespective of their origin, have free circulation status within the EU (or Turkey).

To complete the ATR export procedure, ATR Forms in the UK must be certified by an authorised body. The TBCCI as an authorised Chamber under the authority delegated by HMRC and can complete the whole certification of the ATR  on your behalf.

» ATR Export Process
» Description of Export Terms
» ATR Document Requirements
» Goods qualifying for ATR


– All particulars must be typed in or printed in legible black block letters on both pages of the form
– The information in the first (green) page must be the same as in the second (white) page
– In order not to leave the white Page.2 blank, you can use carbon paper between the original green and copy white pages. To avoid illegible or poor print on the copy page, check if you need to use fresh carbon paper.
– The information on the ATR form must be the same as the information in the Export Invoice, Export Declaration and any other supporting document
– Unless acting as the exporter itself, a forwarding agent cannot sign the Form; only exporters can sign the form.
– All declarations must be accurate. False declaration may be liable to penalties.

Assistance on completing an ATR Form is presented with the aid of cross-references between the ATR Form and guide below. You can switch to and from the Form to the textual descriptions by using the links provided on the ATR Form and the links on the corresponding description sections. Click on ATR Form to view the ATR form.