ATR – EUR1 Certificates

ATR and EUR1 certificates are used for entitlement to preferential, usually zero, import duty rates, for exports between the UK to Turkey.

Select from below to learn about the procedure for and the requirements of obtaining ATR or EUR1 certification, and the certification services the Turkish British Chamber of Commerce and Industry can provide.

ATR Certification
EUR1 Certification


An ATR (Admission Temporaire Roulette) is a certificate for the movement of industrial products entitled to preferential duty rates for export to and Turkey under the terms of the Customs Union between the EU and Turkey. The purpose of ATR certificates is to declare that the exported goods are manufactured in or have free circulation status within the EU. Alongside its existing export documentation services, Turkish British Chamber of Commerce and Industry is now authorised to endorse and issue ATR Certificates on behalf of H M Revenue and Customs.

To find what documents are required for ATR certification and the fees charged by the Chamber, or to view the list of TBCCI recommended agents and forwarders, select from below:

ATR Supporting Documents
Chamber Fees


Each application for an ATR certification must be accompanied by the forms below, which are available from the Chamber or from agents and forwarders.

Export Declaration

The exporter must complete a hard copy of the pre-lodged export declaration or plain paper C88 (CAP). If this is not available, a dated and signed statement on business letterhead only can be presented to the Chamber as alternative evidence that the goods are in free circulation. The statement must declare that the goods covered by the ATR are:

  • either wholly produced in the EU from no imported materials, components or parts, or, produced in the EU from imported materials, components or parts on which all customs duties have been paid.
  • in free circulation in the EU and covered by Customs Procedure Code No 100001 or 100018
Invoice or Packing List

Copy of the single transport document (Required only if the goods are to travel through a non-EU country.)


For each document, the TBCCI fee for ATR certification is:

» ATR certification £25.00 £5.00 £30.00 +
» ATR certification £50.00 £10.0 £60.00 +
Product prices are automatically setting as membership types. If you a member of TBCCI, please log in and try to buy again.

ATR Certificates may be presented in person at the Chamber or sent by post. If you wish the completed ATR Certificates be returned to you by post, please enclose a stamped-addressed-envelope.

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